

Our vision is to bring forward the day when ME/CFS can be cured, through cutting-edge biomedical research.



Why is research in this area essential?

ME/CFS is a devastating disease that affects over 250,0001 individuals in the UK. Despite being at least as disabling as diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Congestive Heart Failure2ME/CFS remains one of the most poorly funded diseases. 


Who we are?

We are an enthusiastic research group, based within the Nuffield Department of Women's & Reproductive Health (NDWRH), based at the John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford. 


How we help patients?

We help patients by instigating pioneering biomedical research, with the help of our collaborators both within and outside of the University's Medical Sciences Division This multidisciplinary approach enables us to bring together the diverse skillsets needed to tackle a complex multi-system disease such as ME/CFS. 


See more on Frequently Asked Questions.




ME/CFS Projects

Finding a Biomarker

We are currently exploring the potential utility of Raman spectroscopy to diagnose ME/CFS.

Understanding Disease Process

We are utilising multiple technologies to try to understand which factors could be driving the disease.

L-Form Bacteria in ME/CFS

Determining if abnormal profiles of L-form bacteria could be causal in ME/CFS.



[1] Nacul LC, Lacerda EM, Pheby D, et al. Prevalence of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in three regions of England: a repeated cross-sectional study in primary care. BMC Med 2011; 9: 91.  

[2] Komaroff AL, Fagioli LR, Doolittle TH, et al. Health status in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and in general population and disease comparison groups. Am J Med 1996; 101: 281–90.

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© Morten, 2020